Friday, August 10, 2007

To reduce insect pests and disease infestation

Tips on Composting

Tips on compost use

To improve the quality of the soil, add compost. It will improve the physical condition of the soil and will increase the fertility of the soil.
To reduce insect pests and disease infestation, add compost to the soil.
For your garden, spread compost one inch thick
When you use compost, you may also choose not to use any mulch.
Produce it easily at home, just by dumping all your plant parts, lawn clipping, and kitchen waste to a trench or bin.

If you have problem of poor water holding capacity in your garden, add compost to improve water retention capacity of the soil.
For erosion problem in the garden, use compost on it.
If you are in southern climate, you may need to use compost each year, as in southern climate it decomposes faster
In northern climate, compost decomposes slow, so you need to add more compost again after 2 years or more.
Do not use improperly made compost. If the compost is not well decomposed, do not use it, as it may contain germs and weed seeds.
Buy vermicompost from a reputed seller only.
If you are using mulches and amendments in your garden, use only half inch of compost
If the supply of the compost is less, then you can side dress it. Place it around plants or rows.
Side dressing can be best done in late spring and early summer
In case of side dressing, work out the compost one inch away from the stem.
For shallow rooted crops, just leave the compost on the soil.

If you are practicing organic cultivation, then also you can use compost in your garden. But for certification, prepare your own compost or buy a compost which has been certified as organic.
For better health of the lawn, top dress it with compost every year or two.
Apply compost in the fall for maximum effect. You can also use it in early spring.
Add compost to the hole made for planting seeds and seedli ngs.
Adding compost to the hole at the time of planting is beneficial for the perennials
For annuals, one dose of compost will be more beneficial.

Ask for expert advice. Expert will be able to help you in case you have any problem.
Bikash is an MBA who works as an freelance writer. He worked for one of the best private banks in India. He has been writing for the last 5 years. He has worked with many US,UK and Indian clients. Visit him at

Top 8 Composting Tips

Composting in a Big Way

The Circle of Life With Compost

Composting Your Grass Clippings

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