Monday, May 11, 2009

Planning Now Can Plant the Seeds For a Terrific Summer Garden

On these cold January mornings the warm pursuits of summer seem very far away. It may not be pool weather yet, but January is the perfect month to start gardening. With a little planning now and a small amount of monthly yard maintenance, this summer can yield an enjoyable array of flowers and vegetables.

If gardening sounds like too much work, take a moment to consider the benefits:

-Flower beds are esthetically pleasing and increase curb appeal.
-A small vegetable garden can produce food to be enjoyed by the whole family and reduce the grocery bill.
-Composting can help reduce the amount of trash going to land fills and provide a fun family project.
-Gardening is a relaxing way to get some fresh air and lower stress.

Start by considering which flowers, fruits and vegetable are family favorites, and then do some research into the level of difficulty and climate viability. There is an abundance of gardening resources available at the local library or the Internet. The website of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension has a wealth of information about gardening in Central Texas.

Prepare soil by composting, which provides an economical and environmentally friendly fertilizer. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, yard trimmings and food residuals together constitute 24 percent of the U.S. municipal solid waste stream. Composting is not complicated and with a couple of simple steps can easily be incorporated into a weekly routine. Choose a place in the yard away from the house to establish a compost pile. Also keep a bin under the kitchen sink or next to the garbage can for putting in scraps of food (do not include meat or diary products). In a contained area deposit yard trimmings and kitchen scraps, then stir it up about once a week.

In January and February plant broccoli, lettuce, carrots, onions and asparagus in an area near the house that will get sun and be protected from the wind. It is a good idea to add composted soil and continue to fertilize after seeds and bulbs have been planted. Be sure to cover plant beds if temperatures drop below freezing.

Sowing seeds for annual flowers and vegetable can also be done inside in January and February. In small pots with fertilized soil, plant seeds for marigolds, petunias, begonias and impatiens. There is a wide range of tomatoes and peppers to delight any palate. The seedlings should be ready to transplant after the plants have a third true leaf.

The Rose Bowl might be played in January, but February is the month for getting garden roses ready. Container grown roses can be planted this month in well fertilized soil. Prune existing and transplanted rose bushes by removing dead branches and trimming back approximately half of the top growth.

In March and April, green beans, cucumbers, corn, tomatoes and peppers can be planted directly into garden beds. Choose a couple of perennial flowers to be planted that flower at different times than the annuals. Be sure to continue fertilizing soil with compost. Containers can be planted in these spring months as well. Through the end of spring and into the summer, keep beds fertilized monthly and watered weekly.

Escapeso Realty operates in Austin Texas. They maintain a website for buyers of Austin real estate. The site offers a free search of the Austin MLS.

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